The 2012 plant sale was a huge success!!! I planted up over 1000 pots of plants and sold every one! I was able to give “Be the Match” charity $3,394. Can you believe that much money was just sitting in my garden! At first I really had no idea how this sale would go. I was worried that nobody would come, or I wouldn’t have enough plants. It all turned out better than I could have imagined.
I plan to take next year off, as I have a high school graduation party to host, but the following year, in 2014, I will divide my hostas, and other shade plants and have another sale for this charity. PLUS, I am hoping in 2014 the plant sale will be a cooperative effort, and other gardening folks will donate a few plants from their gardens, or perhaps start some vegetables or annuals from seed and donate them to the sale. TOGETHER WE CAN MAKE THE 2014 PLANT SALE ANOTHER HUGE SUCCESS!
If you might be that person who can help, get in contact with me before 2014!
THANK YOU all so much for your support!
I unfortunately didn’t take any pictures of the 2012 plant sale. I guess I was too busy! But my husband did catch this photo of me a few weeks earlier. I was putting back small portions of each plant that I had divided from the garden for the plant sale. I planted the 180 pots in 4 hours! I wanted to be done before the T.V. show “Dancing with the Stars.” I achieved my goal 🙂
2012 SALE
Download this plant sale flyer
Named daylilies and other select cultivars in 1 gallon pots–$8
Unnamed daylily cultivars in 1 gallon pots $6
4 inch pots $3 (Most plants in 4 inch pots)
6 inch pot $4
Ice cream pails $6
Water lilies with names–$10, unknown color $5
All small 4 inch pots–mix and match–4 for $10 or $2.50 each
All gallon pots/ice cream pails 4 for $20 or $5 each
Depending on inventory, Sunday prices may be even lower!
Plant list as of May 9th
2 Aegopodium (Snow on the Mountain)—12”, can be invasive, good ground cover
6 Achillea (Yarrow), unknown color, 24” tall
3 Achillea ptarmica ‘The Pearl’—18-24” White little pompons flowers
2 Alchemilla (Lady Mantle) in gallon pots—8-14” tall, attractive foliage, especially when wet.
22 Alchemilla (Lady Mantle) in 4 inch pots
24 Allium senescens —12-24’’ tall, Mauve or lilac flower heads, self seeds readily, remove flower heads before they go to seed.
16 Allium– Small purple heads
3 Allium tuberosum (Garlic chives) white flowerskjkjk—18” tall
2 Artemisia ludoviciana ‘Silver Queen,’—24”tall, no real flowers, grown for foliage
8 Astilbe short variety 6-8” tall, lavender blooms
22 Astilbe, from 4 different plants of unknown color
5 Astible ‘Bressingham Beauty’—3’ tall with blooms, Pink, blooms early to mid summer
5 Astilbe ‘Bumalda’—18-24” tall, Sprays of white feathery plumes with a pink glow, blooms mid summer
20 Astilbe ‘Sprite’—12” tall, pale creamy pink flowers, full shade to sun, but needs moisture.
80 Aster– Purple—48” tall I will cut the aster plant down to 12-18 inches by the end of June. Don’t cut down after July 4th, or blooms will be much delayed. By cutting down in June, the plants will be bushier and only be 3 feet tall, which is tall enough for a garden. Beware that rabbits like to eat these plants!
15 Aster–Pink —48” tall Follow above directions for shorter and busier aster plants.
39 Aster ‘Purple Dome’—18 “ tall. Blooms in fall
34 Astrantia—Foliage around 18” and flower spikes to 24-30” Will self-seed, cut off blooms
5 Barrenwort–
6 Centaurea (Cornflower) —18” tall, blooms May-June, purple-lilac blooms, self-seeds
6 Chelone (Turtlehead) 2-3 feet tall, likes moisture, blooms in late summer, full sun or part shade.
3 Chrysanthemum rubellum ‘Clara Curtis’—14-18” tall, Pink
11 Coreopsis verticillata—24-36” tall, small yellow flowers in summer
33 miscellaneous Daylilies
2 Daylily ‘Bonnie Hour’– 24-36” tall, Pinkish coral/apricot 4.5” blooms, blooms midseason
4 Daylily ‘Siloam Merle Kent’—18” tall, 3.5” Orchid deep Purple, blooms midseason
1 Daylily ‘Crimson Pirate’— 24-36” tall, Red 4.5”,blooms, blooms midseason
3 Daylily ‘Ruffled Apricot’—28” tall, 7” coral apricot blooms, blooms early midseason, slight frag.
6 Daylily ‘Bonanza’—24-36” tall, 4.5”Golden Yellow w/ Maroon Eye, Blooms midseason
3 Daylily ‘Chicago Jewel’—25”tall, 6”lavender blooms, blooms early
3 Daylily ‘Stella D Ore’—
11 Daylily ‘Siloam Double Classic’— 16” tall, 5” soft pinkish/coral blooms, blooms early to midseason
2 Daylily ‘Rooten Tooten Red’—24”tall, 5.5” Red blooms, blooms midseason
3 Daylily ‘James Marsh’—28” tall, 6.5” Red blooms, blooms midseason
3 Daylily ‘Jack Randall’—29”tall, 6” Rose blooms, blooms midseason
2 Daylily Dark burnt orange
3 Daylily yellow
3 Daylily ‘Pearl Pastel’
5 Daylilies ‘Hyperion’—40” tall, Canary Yellow blooms, Mid-late season bloom, fragrant
3 Daylily thick dark yellow
8 Echinacea (purple coneflower)—36’ tall
8 Grass—Panicum V. Shenandoah (I think) grows 3-4’tall
12 Globe Thistle—Grows 36-48” tall. I cut mine down to 12” in late June, so they don’t end up as tall.
8 Heuchera (Coral bells) pinkish-red flower spikes, foliage stays around 12 inches
11 Heuchera (Coral bells) unknown color, likely pink
58 Iris, unsure of color, but likely some shade of purple/blue
6 Iris, powder blue
10 Iris, light lavender
10 Iris, short purple
3 Iris, non-variegated
5 Lysimachia ciliate Atropurpurea- 3 ‘ tall, 2’ spread, sun/part shade/moist, little yellow flowers
2 Nepeta (Catmint) in gallon pot—12-18 “ tall, purple/lavender
32 Oenothera fruticosa, sundrops. 18 – 24″. Sundrops have upright, leafy stems with spotted red foliage. Flowers open from reddish buds during the day and are bright yellow. The plants are dense spreading
10 Polygonatum (Variegated Solomon’s Seal) 18-28” tall. Likes shade.
2 Raspberry plants
34 Rudbeckia (black eye susan) —24 “ tall, leave seed heads up in the winter for the birds
8 Sedum
31 Siberian Iris (Iris Sibirca) purple—24-28” tall
25 Varigated Iris—flowers yellow, foliage turns solid green in later season. Showy in the spring.
Canna tubers
Calla Lily bulbs
Water lilies for sale—83 divisions!
9 Perry’s Baby Red, Spreads 4 ½ feet (small-medium)
3 Texas Dawn (golden yellow)Spreads 6 ½ feet (medium-large) Thick marliac/odorata root
3 Gladstonia (white) Marked A , Spreads 7 feet (large) Odorata root
2 white- Marked B
4 white- Marked C
8 Comanche (changes from apricot to copper red)Spreads 5-6 feet (medium)
8 Mayla (fuchsia) Spreads 6 ½ feet (medium-large)
7 Perry’s Fire Opal (#11) double pink blossoms, Spreads 6 feet (medium)
9 Pink Opal (#3) Spread 3-4 feet) Odorata root
5 Pink Sensation (#5) Spread 4 ½ feet (small-medium)
6 pink, might have been Pink Sensation (#5)
12 Peach Glow-fragrant soft peach blossoms, Spreads 3-5 feet, Marliac root
7 unknown colors from 4 different pots . labeled A, B, C, D
14 Tradescantia (Spiderwort)- 12-24” tall, full sun to partial shade. Each flower lasts but half a day, closing by early afternoon. Flowers best in full sun. Plant in average to rich, moist but well drained soil. Plants can go dormant after flowering. Cut them to the ground. They will produce new foliage quickly. Plant with other leafy plants that will fill the void left when they go dormant.
6 Penstemon digitalis likely “Husker Red”(Beardtongue)- Grows 2 ½ -5’ tall. In full sun to light shade. Prefers sandy or loaomny, humus rich, well drained soil. Combine with spiderwort in the garden.
8 Geranium “Purple Pillow”. Grows 6-10” tall, Likes full sun to part shade.
20 Gaillardia “Goblin” (Blanket Flower) Grows 12” tall. Full sun. Plant in average, well-drained soil in full sun. Don’t plant in rich, moist soil. They will be floppy and not live long. They like heat and neglect!
12 Sedum “Fireglow”
9 Water Forget-me-not–Myosotis scorpioides, grows 6-20″, blue, likes moisture, blooms June-Aug.